Through networking and repetitive narration of those affected, it becomes clear that domestic violence is not an isolated case. It is not an individual fate, but a structural problem and characteristic of a patriarchal system. This also includes recognizing that people affected by multiple discrimination (e.g., because they are also exposed to racist, ableist or transfine discrimination) are particularly disadvantaged by these structures.
We criticize the social power relations within which domestic violence can arise. At the same time, we show solidarity with women affected by the elderly and see our work as partisan, (queer-) feminist and critical of power.
asap e.V. is a self-organized and self-governing association that sees itself as intersectional feminist, solidary and grassroots democratic. The founders* of asap e.V. were also employees of the project “Housing agency for women* from violent situations” (formerly Hestia e.V.), which has been in existence since the 1990s.
asap e.V. has set itself the goal of supporting women* and children who experience domestic violence in coping with their situation and building a non-violent perspective.